Wednesday, March 08, 2006

A Visit to Space Center Houston

On Sunday, Jack was finally feeling a little bit better after being sick with a terrible stomach virus for over a week. And it was Grandma's last day in town, so we all went to Space Center Houston for a few hours in the afternoon. Looking back on these pictures, Jack still looks pretty sick and isn't his normal happy self.

Here we are by the new T-38 aircraft static display in front of Space Center Houston. We see T-38s flying over our house all of the time and Jack uses sign language to tell us whenever he hears an airplane.

Jack enjoyed spinning the Space Shuttle around in the yaw axis.

This is what Jack would look like as an astronaut on Mars.

Here is Jack at the cafe with a Robot. He looks a little spooked.

Here is Jack by a wind tunnel model of the Space Shuttle.

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