Monday, October 30, 2006

September 29th - Quite a shiner

Today I was peeking at Jack on ParentWatch and noticed that one of the substitute teachers was holding Jack. Now Jack is too busy to be held by his favorite teachers, so this seemed odd to me. I glanced at my phone looking for the familiar "Infant 2" on the read out and eventually the call came. He tripped and fell against the corner of a table and split his eyelid open. They wanted me to come take a look. I rushed over, calling the pediatrician's office on the way. They told me what to look for. I called them again when I was with him. I didn't think it looked that bad, but was happy when they suggested bringing him by just to make sure. After waiting for AN HOUR (!!!) we finally got in and a nurse cleaned Jack's wound up. Dr. Quillin took a look at it and determined that they didn't need to glue it or stitch it. So I took Jack back to school in time for a late lunch and a nap. This is what his eye looked like the next day. A week later, the scab was all healed up. You can still see a little pink streak (a month later), but it isn't bad.

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