Sunday, February 22, 2009

January 20th - Inaguration Day

Today on the way home, Charlie mentioned wanting to see Nona when we went by Gilruth, as we had seen her going for a jog a week or so ago. I told him that Nona isn’t here, she is in Washington. Jack said, “We talked about that at school today.” You did? I asked what they did and he mentioned seeing pictures of the White House and a man. I asked if it was Barack Obama or the President, not knowing what he saw or did. He said, “It was President Obama. Not Barack Obama. President Obama.”

Later, he told me, “Mrs. President Obama let Mr. President Obama touch her bible.” The way he said it was so funny and somewhat suggestive. Ronny told me later that apparently the kids watched the inauguration on TV in the classroom. They learned all about Washington DC - the White House, the Lincoln Memorial, the Washington Monument, Air Force One, Marine One, etc.

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