Saturday, July 04, 2009

July 4th - A nice easy picture of the kids

Digital photography is such a wonderful thing! You can take a dozen pictures and then pick your favorite one - or in other words, the only one that is acceptable - like this nice picture of my smiling children. Really - they are always like that - happy to hold the baby and take a nice picture. Really!

This was the first picture I took. Could Charlie look any grumpier???

Then the Josie torture begins as Ronny tries to get Charlie to sit up and get happy. It starts with the two-hand face squeeze.

Then Josie gets the one-hand face squeeze.

Then it was on to the eye-poking. Sorry Josie! I hate to tell you, but this is just the beginning. I only had one big brother, but unfortunately you have two and try as we might, we will not be able to save you from all of the abuse your brothers will someday shower upon you. On the bright side, you will likely be one tough girl!

1 comment:

Joel said...

Maybe Josie will become a MMA cage fighter due to all this abuse at the hands of her brothers!