Tuesday, October 20, 2009

October 2nd - Our big day in Levelland

This morning was Great-Grandpa's funeral. It was a great service to honor a great man. In the days and weeks to follow, Jack and Charlie would randomly comment, "Great-Grandpa died. That's why we're a little bit sad." Or "Great-Grandpa died. His body couldn't work anymore."

After the funeral, we all went out to Papa's cotton farm. The kids had a great time running through the fields while the parents hoped there weren't any rattlesnakes around. Jack picked a bunch of cotton. Charlie enjoyed digging in the dirt. Both boys were delightfully filthy with the beautiful red dirt. Between the bug splats outside and juice box squirts and farm dirt inside, I'm not sure if the minivan will ever be the same. My ride has been officially "Mom'd".

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